What is Football Goal Coin?
Let’s Get You Educated
Football Goal Coin (FGC) is a groundbreaking fintech ecosystem specifically crafted for widespread adoption. With its distinctive fusion of football and blockchain technology, FGC presents investors with an opportunity to engage in a pioneering project with significant growth and potential. The FGC ecosystem encompasses the following comprehensive global services (currently being developed): Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Exchange, Escrow, Mining System, Payments, Lending, Franchise, Off-The-Grid Storage, and DAO Management Committee.
Using encryption algorithms, the FGC cryptocurrency is an alternative form of payment like Bitcoin. Like all high-end cryptocurrencies, FGC uses encryption for security as it functions as both a currency and a virtual accounting system.
The unique mining process of FGC is set to make Football Goal Coin the most democratically empowered coin on the market. Not only is the mining protocol completely environmentally friendly and without any excess energy and equipment costs, it is completely accessible by anyone on any device connected to the internet.
Each FGC shall be divisible by 100,000 fragments. Fragments are called nets and a single fragment is called a net.
FGC shall be opened to all exchanges willing to make it available to their users and all transactions shall be recorded on the FGC Ledger.

The FGC Blockchain is based on the Bitcoin Blockchain and offers all the same exceptional benefits. In addition, the FGC Blockchain has been fine tuned to take advantage of the superb mining and transaction capabilities that make FGC unique.
FGC Blockchain is a distributed ledger that securely records and displays the FGC cryptocurrency’s transactional records in digital blocks. To prevent dishonesty, the FGC Blockchain uses premium cryptography to connect blocks.
Each FGC block uses a security protocol that records a cryptographic hash (mathematical sum) of the previous block, a timestamp and transaction data in the block. Hashing provides the user with assurances about the authenticity of the previous block.
Blocks connected with this level of security form a chain, thus the name ‘blockchain’. FGC blocks cannot be altered once they are recorded because each block affects all subsequent blocks. Authenticity and honesty are maintained by this method.
Imagine owning a cryptocurrency that is created only when an actual goal is scored in any professional game somewhere in the world.
Mining FGC is a highly gripping experience and fully accessible to all. FGC users will be able to use any device to mine FGC including their smartphones.
The FGC mining protocol is completely original and exclusive to FGC. The founders of FGC believe this mining system will be a game changer for all future coins. This is because the mining process places all the power and control of mining firmly in the hands of users.
More detailed information on this exclusive mining system will be released soon.
Exchange (+ Escrow)
When Football Goal Coin is launched, there shall be an accompanying FGC Exchange and FGC Escrow system.
The FGC Exchange will have all the capabilities of any current exchange plus the extra functions that other exchanges do not currently have. In addition to being able to trade FGC, the FGC Exchange will allow users to trade many other leading crypto coins on the market.
The FGC Escrow is designed to facilitate transactions including payments for goods and services as well as transactions without the need for any exchange. Furthermore, the escrow function will allow users to nominate an escrow manager to help manage their transaction in private.

Security & Storage
We have seen the collapse of high profile exchanges such as MTGOX, Light Tree and FTX accompanied by their highly questionable activities and inadequate management. This is the number one reason why people lose money in the cryptocurrency industry.
Football Goal Coin provides a simple yet highly effective solution to prevent anyone losing their FGC or money via any exchange. By allowing users to download their FGC on any device by simply clicking download, we believe we have provided a simple solution to a complex problem.
Not only will users be able to download any FGC at any time, they should also expect the same service from any exchange they use to buy or hold FGC. In short, if you want full control of your FGC, download and save them.
Peer-2-Peer Lending
The FGC Lending Platform allows borrowers to request loans and investors to lend their coins in exchange for interest payments. It is designed to be accessible to a wide range of users, with low fees and minimum loan requirements. This allows borrowers who may have previously been excluded from traditional lending platforms to access the credit they need to fund their projects and long-term goals.
Investors who lend on this platform can earn interest on their FGC by lending their FGC coins to borrowers on the platform. The FGC Lending Platform is fully transparent, with all transactions recorded on the FGC Blockchain, providing added security and transparency to the lending process.
The final phase of the Football Goal Coin (FGC) launch will focus on expanding the ecosystem and network globally. One of the key strategies in achieving this goal will be the establishment of a major FGC Exchange in most countries to provide the same exceptional facilities and protocols as the original FGC Exchange.
To accomplish this objective, the Committee will offer an off-the-shelf solution to interested businesses whereby they can apply for a franchise and receive guidance and assistance in setting up the FGC Exchange service. This approach will ensure a standardised, high-quality protocol for all FGC Exchanges and promote the expansion of the FGC ecosystem. To maintain the high level of service expected from the FGC franchise family, businesses seeking to become part of the franchise will be required to adhere to strict security and quality requirements.
The FGC Committee is a group of lead developers and project managers tasked with the following;
- Keeping the FGC Systems’ integrity in line with the FGC White Paper
- Update the FGC System in accordance with general updates including any technology updates.
- Expanding the FGC System in accordance with the FGC White Paper and business objectives
- Keeping in line with appropriate lawful requirements
Initially the Committee will be made up of the founding members of the FGC System. Overtime, the Committee will expand and bring in more members in line with being as transparent and democratic as possible.
Should there be any major decisions that could affect the entire FGC ecosystem, the committee will be able to request a vote from FGC holders to help with the decision. The goal is to give users as much control as possible.
The Committee will become a decentralised autonomous organisation (also known as a DAO) and shall be governed by the accepted rules of governance which shall be transparent, automated (as much as possible) and approved by its members.
Hungry For More?
Football Goal Coin (FGC) represents an extensive ecosystem at the crossroads of a passion for football and blockchain innovation, featuring multiple assets: an innovative cryptocurrency, a native blockchain, an exchange, an escrow, a peer-to-peer lending platform, and a one-of-a-kind/exclusive mining system. To maintain transparency and impartiality in decision-making, the platform will operate as a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO). Football Goal Coin’s ICO will be launched 1st July 2023.
Anticipating the introduction of the FGC ecosystem, the founders declared: “Until now, no other platform has been bold enough to offer the industry such a broad suite of assets as FGC aims to release. As the gold standard in this space, Football Goal Coin is poised to revolutionise how football enthusiasts interact with their favourite sport, offering unprecedented opportunities for investment, trading, and peer-to-peer lending. We’re eager to pioneer this space and establish ourselves as the gold standard for blockchain and cryptocurrency platforms.”
Uncovering the FGC Initial Coin Offering
According to the project founders, the FGC Initial Coin Offering (ICO) presents a lucrative investment opportunity for individuals seeking profitable ventures:
“By investing in FGC, investors can expect a 99.52% higher reward compared to only waiting to mine a coin. Our ICO provides an attractive proposition for investors looking to optimise their returns and maximise their gains.
Having its own blockchain demonstrates that FGC is a legitimate cryptocurrency. This improves the coin’s security, and the entire system will benefit from this independent asset, as we have observed with Bitcoin and Ethereum. Additionally, FGC has its own exchange for traders and an escrow for privatised payments, assuring a faster-than-usual increase in popularity and exchange.”
Unravelling FGC’s Innovative Mining Protocol
The FGC Democratic Mining System caters to both sports fans and crypto enthusiasts. Through its user-friendly and simple design, anyone can mine using any device connected to the internet, making it accessible to all. Mining participation is carbon-friendly and does not cost anything extra to the user, making it a sustainable option that encourages mass adoption.
Introducing the FGC Cryptocurrency
The Football Goal Coin aims to provide a fast, secure, and efficient way for football fans and crypto investors to engage with their favourite sport while simultaneously investing in a related blockchain-based ecosystem. Since FGC operates under a free market system, the price will be determined by market demand and supply. FGC is generated every time a professional goal is scored anywhere in the world. These coins are then distributed among the hosts and miners and can be used in various ways by their proprietors. Owners of FGC can hold, spend, transfer, and download their cryptocurrency and can trade using either the Exchange or Escrow platforms.
Overall, the maximum supply of FGC is 21 million. The newly mined coin distribution is Committee: 4%, Hosts: 48%, and Miners: 48%. FGC uses a unique consensus protocol for its mining process, partly based on accurate data from professional football games to record goals. FGC can be mined on any device that is connected to the internet. Users must have a small nominal amount of FGC in their wallet to pay for the mining gas fee.
Exploring the FGC Blockchain Capabilities
FGC operates on its native blockchain, which records and displays FGC cryptocurrency transactions. Although the Bitcoin Blockchain inspired the FGC blockchain, it has been tailored to the needs of football fans, crypto traders, and investors. Thus, the FGC Blockchain has been optimised for mining and transaction capabilities, making it superior to many other blockchain technologies. The FGC Blockchain deploys premium cryptography to connect blocks, ensuring that transactions are secure and verifiable. Each block’s cryptographic hash, timestamp, and transaction data are recorded in each subsequent block, forming a chain that cannot be altered once recorded.
Deploying the FGC Exchange
As an innovative cryptocurrency trading platform, the FGC Exchange offers all the capabilities of current exchanges but with some additional functions not currently available on other platforms. The exchange allows users to trade FGC as well as other leading crypto coins in the market, diversifying their investment portfolio and taking advantage of the potential gains in different cryptocurrencies. Other features include access to advanced trading tools such as real-time trading charts, market data, and order books, empowering investors to make informed decisions and execute trades in an efficient manner.
Leveraging the FGC Escrow
To support the financial interactions in this ecosystem, the FGC Escrow shall facilitate transactions, including payments for products and services, without the intervention of a third party. Businesses that wish to engage in direct transactions with their customers or suppliers might find this particularly useful. Besides, the FGC Escrow provides a secure and reliable transaction platform, safeguarding both parties from fraudulent activities. It also allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other without the need for an intermediary, providing a decentralised and secure platform for transactions.
FGC can be downloaded for those who wish to store their investments off-grid. Whereas most cryptocurrencies are based on decimal systems, where smaller units make up a larger unit, FGC tokens are generated at a steady rate, and 100,000 nets are equal to one FGC token. The ultimate goal of this system is to provide users with a level playing field on which to participate in the FGC ecosystem.
Employing P2P Lending
For investors seeking traditional ways of making money, the FGC Peer-2-Peer Lending Platform enables investors to lend FGC coins to borrowers in exchange for interest payments, thereby creating a new investment opportunity. This lending platform is designed to be accessible to many users, with low fees and minimum loan requirements. It allows borrowers previously excluded from traditional lending platforms to obtain the credit they require to finance their projects and long-term objectives. The platform is fully transparent, with all transactions recorded on the FGC Blockchain, providing added security and transparency to the lending process.
Discovering the FGC Franchise
Conversely, the FGC Franchise focuses on expanding the ecosystem and network globally. The FGC Committee offers an off-the-shelf solution to interested businesses. They can apply for a franchise and receive guidance and assistance setting up the FGC Exchange service.
In this pursuit, the FGC Committee is a group of lead developers and project managers tasked with keeping the FGC system’s integrity in line with the FGC White Paper, updating the FGC system, and adhering to appropriate legal or regulatory requirements. Once the Football Goal Coin is entirely decentralised, the FGC Committee shall oversee the ecosystem and perform relevant and regular system updates.